
Take a bite of this delicious fudge and let yourself be whisked away to grandma & house with this delicious dessert.Quick and easy to prepare, this irresistible and rich dessert will be a favorite for you and your family to enjoy.

* Ingredients :

° 2 cups of sugar
° 4 tablespoons of Hershey's cocoa
° 1 piece salted butter
° 5 ounce can Carnation Evaporated Milk
° 1 teaspoon vanilla
+Nuts are optional

* Directions :

Combine sugar and cocoa in a saucepan, then add a piece of butter and a can of evaporated milk, stir until it begins to boil.
Stirring constantly for 7 min, & removing from heat & adding vanilla, then stirring constantly for 3 min, then pour to  buttered baking dish to firm.

 dessert in less than 20 min!

Hershey's Old Fashioned Fudge has always been my favorite, but it's been pretty hard to do right.
Thank you for sharing the recipe that tastes so good but so much easier! It was perfect the first time!

Enjoy !