
* Ingredients :

°4 c. frozen dry brown pieces (I didn't wait and just threw it in the microwave for about a minute and a half to thaw)
°3 T. melt butter
°1/4 tsp. All salt // pepper
°7 egg
°1/4 m milk
°1 1/2 cheddar cheese
°1 c cub pork

* Directions : 

Combine hash browns, butter, salt // pepper. Spraying muffin tin with cooking spraying well. Fill C with about 3/4 C hash browns also use your fingers to shape cups with hash-browns & press them down to bottom. Putting it in 400 degree oven for 20 min . Meantime, whisking eggs and milk, stir in cheese and ham. Remove the hash brown from oven & reduce temperature. to 350 degrees. Fill cups almost to top also returning to oven for 20-25 min . Let it cool for  minutes, & loosen edges with  butter knife & then carefully removing it to a serving platter.

Enjoy !